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Your Invitation Request for the Professional Writers’ Alliance has been received…

In the meantime, please take the following steps to make sure you receive your information and to prepare get the most out of your PWA membership…

Step 1

Check your inbox for our confirmation email. Your formal invitation to join the Professional Writers’ Alliance will arrive soon after we receive confirmation of your request.

A box of alphabetical index cards.

Step 2

Retainer agreements are a great solution for steady, well-paid freelance writing jobs

Read this post on Landing the Best Retainer Deals. This is brimming with ideas that you can start applying immediately to begin transforming your writing business. (This is just a sampling of the business-building information that PWA members receive on an ongoing basis.)

Step 3

Start making a list of all the questions you have and the challenges you face when it comes to building your freelance writing business. The Professional Writers’ Alliance is a community of writers, and you’ll have opportunities as a member to ask your questions and to talk through your challenges with other writers just like you.

You can also submit them to Jen Adams, the PWA Managing Editor, and she will work with our network of experts to get you the answers you need.

Japanese Stone Garden

A Community of Writers Supporting Each Other’s Success

Move Your Business Forward

Every month, new ideas for building your business will become available. You’ll discover new methods to market your services, new ideas for negotiating prices, step-by-step guidance on establishing yourself as an expert in your industry and so much more!

Learn from the Experts

Monthly live interviews with top copywriting experts give you hard won insights that you can put to work growing your own business... and your income.

Connect with Other Writers

Whether you’re chatting with fellow members about the latest book club read or sharing resources through your exclusive PWA LinkedIn group, one of the most powerful aspects of the Professional Writers’ Alliance is the community that you’re about to be a part of. Finally, you’ll have connections with people who understand exactly what it means to be a freelance writer.

Save on Future Training

Being a freelance writer means that you are always learning. Sometimes informally. And sometimes through structured programs and events. Because of PWA’s ties with American Writers and Artists, Inc., you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy additional savings on some of the best training materials in the industry.

We’re Looking Forward to Welcoming You…

Once you’ve confirmed your email request, you should receive your formal invitation to join the Professional Writers’ Alliance within 48 hours. If you don’t, just drop us a line at